
July 28-August 2

Men's Night: Spiritual Warfare for the People of Praise

Wednesday, July 17

7 - 9 pm in Commons at River Ridge

"Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." - Philippians 2:2


Unity is a hallmark of genuine Christian community. It is how others come to recognize the disciples of Jesus (John 13:35). And it is and has always been a key target for Satan’s attacks. We in the People of Praise know this from personal experience, particularly the experiences of these last years. It’s time—perhaps even past time—to fight back. To that end, the coordinators are inviting the men of the branch to a night of spiritual warfare. We will gather to storm the heavens at 7:00pm on Wednesday, July 17. 

Brothers, please consider this an invitation, not a requirement. Like Gideon’s army (Judges 7), we want only the warriors the Lord has called for this battle. Discern carefully. Come only if you hear the Lord’s summons.  


God bless you all, Servant Branch Coordinators

July Events:

July 13 - Saturday Intercessors 9 am in Family Room

July 8 - 19  Minnesota Action Trip

July 9 - Tuesday CM with ICE CREAM SOCIAL

July 17 - Wednesday Men's Night - Spiritual Warfare for the People of Praise

July 23  - Tuesday CM 7 pm

July 28 - August 2 - Servant Camp!

August Events:

August 3 - Intercessors 9 am in Family Room

August 3 - Camp Staff Dinner at River Ridge

August 7 - Wednesday CM 7 pm

August 26 - Baby shower for Becca (Maslow) Mahon 6:30 pm in River Ridge Library

August 27 - Tuesday CM 7 pm

September Events:

September 7  - Intercessors 9 am in Family Room

September 8 - Community Meeting

September 9  - Women's night 6:30 pm

September 14 - Community Celebration 

September 18  - Senior Lunch 11:30 am

September 22 - Community Meeting